Purchasing an elliptical trainer only at first glance seems like a simple task. Everyone who wants to buy an elliptical trainer is faced with many questions that need to be answered. And one of the main almost always becomes the choice between front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive layout. What are the differences between these two designs and how do they affect efficiency and comfort in operation?

Important differences between the two types of orbitreks

There is always an obvious difference between front and rear wheel drive orbitreks. Front-wheel drive elliptical trainers are larger and more expensive. But if we abstract from these features and choose from the point of view of performance, then it is immediately worth noting the following points:

  • Elliptical trainers with a front flywheel have a long stride length. This makes them perfect for tall people. Rear-wheel drive orbitreks provide a comfortable workout only for users of small and medium height;
  • The front drive allows you to work with your feet with a small trajectory. This is very convenient during long workouts, as it reduces the load on the ligaments and joints. Ellipsoids with a flywheel behind, make you raise your legs higher and, as it were, push the pedals down in each cycle of movement;
  • Q-factor - the distance between the pedals, in front-wheel drive models, medium or small. It also takes stress off the joints. The rear placement of the flywheel increases this figure, since the flywheel is partially located between the pedals - and this is not very good, since during the training the legs will be unnaturally set apart, which has a negative effect on the knee joints;
  • Models with a flywheel in the front are noisier, as they have rollers in their design that move along the guides.

Rear-wheel drive ellipticai trainers are simpler than front-wheel drive ones. Their maintenance and repairs are cheaper. But at the same time, one should not forget that usually front-wheel drive orbitrecks are of a professional level and are designed for huge loads. Therefore, the advantage regarding the service can hardly be called decisive. The resource of commercial fitness machines is simply huge, and homemade rear-wheel drive ellipsoids were created for short workouts at low intensity.

Functions of orbitreks with different drives

As for the functionality of these two types of simulators, everything is simple. Both types of orbitreks can be folded, which is convenient for transportation and storage. Front wheel drive ellipsoids almost always offer variable stride length and it is sometimes possible to select this setting via the electronic control unit.

Both types of simulators allow you to select training modes and programs, enter your own settings and track exercise parameters and heart rate on the display. At the same time, front-wheel drive orbitrecks often provide wider and more flexible options, due to their high class.

As a result, we can conclude that front-wheel drive is better than rear-wheel drive. If you do not have an acute problem of lack of space or a small budget, then it is definitely worth buying a front-wheel drive orbitrek. Recently, such models have become more accessible to ordinary consumers in Ukraine. Because of this, they are increasingly being purchased not for fitness clubs, but for home or office use.

But you need to understand that it is better to buy a rear-wheel drive budget orbitrek and start moving towards your goal than just lying on the couch and coming up with reasons to do nothing. The team of the CARDIOZONA online store of cardio equipment will help you choose fitness equipment that is suitable both in terms of performance and price. With us, purchase, payment in installments and credit take place on the most favorable terms, and the choice is simply stunning!